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Fur Trade Stories Timeline
  From 1600 to 1867
Home >> From 1600 to 1867 >> Historical Connections

The fur trade influenced the historical development of Canada in a number of ways including: the development and expansion into western and northern Canada; the significance of Canadian place names; the origin and rise of the Métis Nation; the impact of interaction between the First Peoples and the Europeans-and these connections can be found in personal and commercial stories about the people and events of the fur trade.

-21- JJ Hargrave: Christmas
-37- Frances Simpson: Fort William
-40- Frances Simpson: Chief Peguis
-57- Nicholas Garry: Encampments
-58- Nicholas Garry: Chippeway Friendship
-61- Daniel Harmon: Country Wives
-62- Daniel Harmon: Battle at Seven Oaks
-63- Daniel Harmon: Family
-71- Henry Kelsey: French Try Coming Ashore
-72- Henry Kelsey: Forced to Leave York Factory
-75- Anthony Beale: Need More Supplies
-78- Thomas McCliesh: Trading With Natives
-79- James Knight: Looking for New Trade
-80- James Knight:
-97- John Tanner: Trapper for NWC & HBC
-98- John Tanner: Hostilities with Settlers
-99- John Tanner: De Meurons to Red River
-64- John Pritchard: Battle at Seven Oaks
-67- HBC London Committee: French Threat
-68- John Outlaw: About Radison & Goosebury
-70- Thomas Pinfold: HBC vs the French
(214) Lettres Patentes
B2 - The Importance of Caribou
-56- Alexander Ross: Battle at Seven Oaks
-2- Letitia Hargrave: The Washing Woman
-4- Letitia Hargrave: Birth of Joseph James
-5- Letitia Hargrave: Dr. Tolmie
-43- Letitia Hargrave: Arrival, RM Ballantyne
-44- Letitia Hargrave: Return, RMBallantyne
-46- Letitia Hargrave: Miss Mactavish
-15- RM Ballantyne: Voyageur Brigade
-17- RM Ballantyne: York Factory Trading Room
-18- RM Ballantyne: Dog Cariole
-36- Frances Simpson: Journey Begins
-53- La Verendrye (son): Fort Maurepas
-54- La Verendrye (father): Relations with Cree
K1 - The Blue-fisted Paddle
First White Woman in Edmonton
(B10) Bard of the Prairies
B11 - The Son of I. Gunn
B12 - What Churchill Owes to a Woman
B13 - A Winter Inspection Trip
B15 - Romance Contract
(B..) 54°40' or Fight
(M14) Metis Frock Coat
(M16) Lagimodiere's Sash
(M26) Tobacco Carrot, Reproduction
(M29) Frances' Engraved Seal
(M30) Simpson's Beaver Club Medal
(M31) Copper Pot, Kettle
48 - Robert Michael Ballantyne
49 - Joseph James Hargrave
(210) Jean-Baptiste Lagimodiere and Marie-Anne Gaboury
50 - Letitia Hargrave
207 - Daniel Williams Harmon
29 - Frances Ramsay Simpson
209 - John Tanner
220 - Cuthbert Grant
222 - Bishop Joseph-Norbert Provencher
--14-- Chief Factor Barnston and R.M. Ballantyne at Tadoussac, 1846
--7-- Henday Enters the Blackfoot Camp, 1754
241 - Nicholas Garry
--12-- Seven Oaks, 1816
(M38) Prince Rupert, Reproduction
(L5) Swampy Cree - Fish Trapping and Caribou Hunting
(L1) Tale of an HBC Captain (Part 1): Kahkechewish - Black as Coal
(L2) Tale of an HBC Captain (Part 2): Pe-nas Ki-yask [Bernard Gull]
(L3) Tale of an HBC Mailman (Part 3): Nobody Knows His Name
(L4) Tale of Other HBC Employees (Part 4): Fur Harvesters & Goose Camps
244. Posts of the Canadian Fur Trade
245. Portaging from Hudson's Bay to Lake Winnipeg