>> >> Features for the Classroom
This website is not intended to replace your department’s
text book. It is designed to offer supporting
resources that you can modify, if necessary, to
accommodate various needs that may exist in your
The website can be displayed on a projector, used
in a computer lab or you can print off individual
items as visual or text aids.
For students who:
- are ESL / FSL (English or French as a second
language) or
- find reading challenging
You can:
- show them paintings that depict scenes
(e.g., hunting buffalo – Rindisbacher);
portraits of key people; images of artifacts.
- let them listen to audio recordings from
storytellers like Louis Bird.
- copy and paste the transcription; rewrite
it using simpler language; distribute to class.
For students who:
- are in middle or senior grades, or
- read and comprehend at higher levels
You can use the:
- Other Related Material feature to provide
them with more avenues that can be explored
for further research.
- Did You Know? feature for bonus or essay
For a visual aid
to understanding the features of this site described
below, open another browser window and find the
record titled John
Tanner: Hostilities with Settlers. As
you read each description below, flip to the other
window to see its placement on the screen.
Item Image
Each record will have an image(s) on the left
side. It will represent a document/ article/ artifact/
artwork/ audio clip or map. To get a better look
at the image, click on Zoom In. Another window
will appear allowing you to magnify its appearance.
You may save or print the image for use in the
classroom by right-clicking with your mouse or
holding your cursor over the image, where a tool
bar will appear with the Save and Print options.
Catalogue Information
Below the item image is catalogue information.
This information will allow you or your students
to correctly identify and acknowledge sources
when using them.
If the image is that of printed words, you will
find a passage highlighted. This highlighted passage
has been transcribed and appears to the right
of your window. If you would like to use the transcript
of the document or write-up on the artifact, artwork,
audio clip or map, you can copy and paste this
text into another document you are creating for
your class, e.g. test papers, hand-outs, etc.
Other Related Material
After scrolling down to the end of the text, the
first box will direct you to supporting or related
links within Fur Trade Stories, e.g., the excerpt
from John Tanner has a link to his picture so
people can see what he looked like, as well as
the people he mentions. After that, links to the
Beaver Index and other websites for biographies,
maps, etc., will follow.
Did You Know?
Located under Other Related Material, this box
contains information that either supports the
record it is found with or provides an interesting
tangent or perspective.
Search Box
Keywords and their synonyms have been applied
to every record; however, not every scenario could
be anticipated. If you have difficulty finding
a person’s name, try an alternate spelling.
If you feel there should be more records about
‘cooking’ (for example) try doing
a search for ‘nutrition,’ ‘food,’
or ‘diet.’
It is our intention to include any codes that
your province’s education department uses
for curriculum outcomes. At this time, we have
entered Manitoba’s curriculum codes, so
if you are looking for material on Knowledge Outcome
052 – how the fur trade relied on aboriginal
peoples, you could enter KE-052.
Another search method you can use is, if you want
to quickly see all maps, artwork, artifacts or
audio files without browsing the themes provided
on the left-hand side, you can enter ‘maps,’
‘images,’ ‘artifacts,’
or ‘audio’ and you will find all material
currently posted in those formats.
The following features
are found by clicking on Teaching
Tips, the graphic button located in the
upper right-hand corner of your screen.
to Curricula
This page is a work in progress. The framework
for this website was based on the new Grade 5
Manitoba Social Studies curriculum, however, because
this site is about using primary and secondary
sources, it can be applied to any grade level
as each teacher sees fit for their individual
classes. As we collect and update the history
and social studies programs across Canada, we
will add their connection to Fur Trade Stories
here for easy reference.
Lesson Plans
This page is a work in progress. The purpose of
this section is to provide lesson plans that maximize
class time by teaching two or three subjects simultaneously
and/or make the history-relevance connection.
Lesson plans have been written from the teaching
level of the writer, but most are adaptable to
various grades.
The listing provided here is a sample of publications
we used to compile Fur Trade Stories, as well
as other titles that we came across. It is by
no means definitive. If you would like to suggest
additional works, you can email your suggestions
to the webeditor@historysociety.ca.