>> >> References and Bibliography
Barr, William, ed. From Barrow to Boothia:
The Arctic Journal of Chief Factor Peter Warren
Dease, 1836-1839. 2001.
Beardy, Flora and Robert Coutts, eds. Voices
from Hudson Bay: Cree Stories from York Factory.
1996. Reprinted.
Beattie, Judith Hudson and Helen Buss. Undelivered
Letters to HBC Men on the North West Coast of
America 1830-57. University of British Columbia
Press, 2003
Bird, Louis. Telling our Stories: Omushkego
Legends and Histories from Hudson Bay. Broadview
Press, 2005
Brown, Jennifer S.H. Strangers in Blood.
University of British Columbia Press, 1980
Cole, J.M. Exile in the Wilderness. University
of Washington Press, 1981
Duckworth, Harry W., ed. The English River
Book: A North West Company Journal and Account
Book of 1786. 1990.
Flannery, Regina. Ellen Smallboy: Glimpses
of a Cree Woman's Life. 1995. Reprinted.
Harmon, Daniel Williams. Harmon’s Journal
1800-1819. 2006. Reprinted 1957 edition.
Healy, W.J.Women of Red River. Russell,
Lang & Co. Ltd, 1923
Houston, C. Stuart, ed. with commentary by I.S.
MacLaren, Arctic Artist: The Journal and Paintings
of George Back, Midshipman with Franklin, 1819-1822.
Huck, Barbara, ed. Crossroads of the Continent:
A History of The Forks of the Red and Assiniboine
Rivers. Heartland Associates, Inc., 2000
Huck, Barbara. Exploring the Fur Trade Routes
of North America. Heartland Associates, Inc.,
Keith, Lloyd, ed. North of Athabasca: Slave
Lake and Mackenzie River Documents of the North
West Company, 1800-1821. 2001.
MacGregor, J.G. Peter Fidler: Canada's Forgotten
Explorer, 1769-1822. Fifth House Publishers,
Macleod, Margaret Arnett. The Letters of Letitia
Hargrave. The Champlain Society, 1947
Owens, Ann-Maureen and Jane Yealland; illustrated
by Don Kirby. Forts of Canada. Kids Can
Press, 1996
Peers, Laura and Theresa Schenck, eds., My
First Years in the Fur Trade: The Journals of
1802-1804, by George Nelson. 2002, co-published
with Minnesota Historical Society Press.
Rankin, Laird. Return of the Nonsuch.
Heartland Associates, Inc., 2005
Ray, Arthur J. Indians in the Fur Trade.
University of Toronto Press, 1998
Ross, Alexander. Red River Settlement: Its
Rise, Progress and Present State.
Ruggles, Richard I., ed., A Country So Interesting:
The Hudson's Bay Company and Two Centuries of
Mapping, 1670-1870. 1991.
Tanner, John. The Falcon. Penguin Group
(Canada), 2003
Van Kirk, Sylvia, Many Tender Ties. University
of Oklahoma Press, 1983
Matas, Carol. Footsteps in the Snow: The Red
River Diary of Isobel Scott, Rupert's Land, 1815.
Dear Canada series, Scholastic Canada, 2003
Pendziwol, Jean E. and Nicolas Debon. The Red
Sash. Groundwood Books, 2005
Taylor, Cora. Angelique: Autumn Alone.
Our Canadian Girl series, Penguin Books, 2005
Taylor, Cora. Angelique: Buffalo Hunt.
Our Canadian Girl series, Penguin Books, 2002
Taylor, Cora. Angelique: The Long Way Home.
Our Canadian Girl series, Penguin Books, 2005
Wiebe, Rudy. The Mad Trapper. Red Deer
Press, 2002
Ford, Mike. Canada
Needs You, Volume One. Mike also has a Teacher
Resource booklet coming out in 2006.